Indications according § 5 TMG:
AMETAS medical GmbH
Christophstrasse 6-8
09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna
Represented by:
Apothekerin / Pharmacist Susann Frei
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing (FH / UAS) Oliver Förste
Telephone: +49 3722 4696288
Mobil: +49 176 10628101
Fax: +49 3722 4696292
Register entry:
Entry in the trade register.
Register court: Amtsgericht Chemnitz
Register number: HRB 31152
VAT-Identification number according to §27 a VAT-law:
Steuer-Nr.: 221/105/03435
Responsible for the content according to § 55 Para. 2 RStV:
Susann Frei
Oliver Förste
Christophstrasse 6-8
09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna
Liability for content
We are responsible for own contents on these pages by the general laws according to § 7 Para.1 TMG as service provider. But we are not obligated to control transferred or saved external information or to research for circumstances which point to an illegal activity.
Obligations to remove or lock the use of information by the general laws remain untouched thereof. But a particular liability is just possible from the moment of knowledge of a concrete infringement. We will remove these contents immediately at emerging of the particular infringements.
Liability for links
Our offer contains links to external websites of third party on whose contents we do not have any influence. That is why we are not able to take over any warranty for these external contents. The particular provider is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages had been checked for possible infringements at the moment of the linking. Illegal contents were not known at the moment of the linking. But a permanent check of the linked pages is not reasonable without any concrete aspects of an infringement. We will remove such links immediately if any infringements occur.
The contents and the works on these pages created by the page operator are subject to the German copyright. The copying, editing, distribution and each type of using outside the borders of the copyright need the written acceptance of the particular author and/or creator. Downloads and copies of these pages are only allowed for the private use, not for the commercial one. If the contents of this page had not been created by the operator so the copyrights of third party are regarded. Especially, contents of third party are marked as such ones. If you should notice nevertheless any copyright infringement please give us a particular information. We will remove these contents immediately at emerging of the particular infringements.
Quelle: eRecht24